Disclaimer & Privacy Policy
MacKenzie is committed to protecting the privacy of visitors to this Web site. The purpose of this privacy statement is to describe how personally identifiable information gathered on this site will or will not be used. By using MacKenzie's Web site, you signify your acceptance of this Privacy Statement. If MacKenzie updates or changes this Privacy Statement, the changes will be made on this page, and it is your responsibility to review this site for changes. If you do not accept the terms, please refrain from using the MacKenzie Web site.
MacKenzie values your privacy. The only personally identifiable information that we gather about you is what you provide to us voluntarily via online registration forms, questionnaires, and emails. This data, which may include your company name, title, phone number, email or mailing address, and other information provided, is used solely by MacKenzie for one of the following purposes: (1) to provide you with further information and updates on our own products, services, special offers and future events; and (2) to improve the effectiveness of this Web site. If you do not want to receive future information from MacKenzie, please notify us.
MacKenzie does not sell, rent, or otherwise distribute your personal information to third parties.